Quarterly Journal of the International Society for Fluoride Research Inc. (ISFR)
Searching all the issues of Fluoride since 1968
Epublications ahead of print.
Issues published in 2025.
Issues published in 2024.
Back issues
Proceedings of the four international workshops on fluorosis and defluoridation of water (1st in Tanzania 1995; 2nd in Ethiopia 1997. 3rd in Thailand 2000; 4th in Sri Lanka 2004)
Information on Epublications ahead of print.
Papers published as epublications ahead of print will be published in due course in Fluoride. Papers in Fluoride will be given a year of publication, volume, and issue number but not new page numbers. They may be cited as e.g. Fluoride 2024;57(1): e254. Epub 2023 November 18. Papers should now be submitted using the template below, using only the portrait orientation and not the landscape orientation.
With the rolling publication template system now in use papers are published as Epublications within a few days of acceptance and then placed in an issue at a later date, when sufficient papers are available to make up an issue of 56 or 60 pages, with the year of publication, volume number, issue number, Epub number and date of Epublication.The issues will be sent to the printer approximately one month after they are published online and allocated to the quarter (January-March; April-June; July-September; and October-December) in which they were published online.
Information for authors and about the ISFR
Use of template for submitting papers to Fluoride
Articles should be submitted using the on the website. Only the portrait page orientation should be used. The landscape orientation should not be used because of the difficulties this creates in printing Fluoride which has a portrait orientation. Please add square brackets to the reference numbers in the reference section e.g. [1] rather than 1, to meet the requirements of CNKI, a Chinese abstracting service which now covers Fluoride . Generally the template uses two columns. However some figures and tables are better displayed if they are in one column which is wider than each of two columns. To change from one column to two columns in Word (i) left click on the part of the text where want to change to one column, (ii) left click on Page Layout in the too
ar, (iii) left click on breaks, (iv) left click on section breaks continuous, (v) press enter several times to create some space for the table or figure, (vi) left click at the end of the required space, (vii) left click on breaks (viii) left click on section breaks continuous, (ix) left click and hold down the mouse and scroll down to highlight in blue the area for the table or figure, (x) left click on columns in the tool bar, (xi) left click on one.
Papers that do not comply with the use of square brackets in the reference section or that do not use one column when required for the clarity of figures or tables will be returned to the authors for correction before receiving final acceptance for publication.
Copies of papers may be downloaded from the website.Word files may open differently on different computers upsetting the placement of figures and you are welcome to send both a Word file and a pdf file of a paper. The pdf files open consistently.
Fluoride follows the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal editors with their Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts to Biomedical Journals. If a figure has been published, acknowledge the original source and submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce the material. Permission is required irrespective of authorship or publisher except for documents in the public domain.
Where to send papers, prepared using the template, for consideration of publication in Fluoride
Authors should send papers to the nearest regional editor. e.g. authors in the USA and Canada should send papers to the Regional Editor for Latin America, Central America and Cuba; an Author is Australia should send it to the Regional Editor for India; an author in the UK should send it to the Regional Editor for Eastern Europe. The regional editors are:
Regional Editor for Africa:
Regional Editor for Eastern Europe:
Regional Editors for India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, and Sri Lanka:
- Dr Shanti Lal Choubisa. Emeritus Professor of Biotechnology, Department of Advanced Science & Technology, NIMS University Rajasthan, Jaipur-303121, India; E-mail: choubisasl@yahoo.com
- Dr Krishan K Verma. Foreign Expert and Senior Researcher, Sugarcane Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 174 Daxue East Road, Nanning-530 007, Guangxi, People's Republic of China; E-mail: drvermakishan@gmail.com
Regional Editors for Latin America, including Mexico, Central America, and Cuba:
- Associate Professor Juliano Pessan. Sao Paulo State University, Araçatuba Dental School, Araçatuba, SP-Brazil; E-mail: juliano.pessan@unesp.br
- Dr Maela Lupo. University Center for Environmental Studies, School of Medicine, Rosario National University, CONICET, Rosario, Santa Fé (S2000EKF), Argentina. E-mail: maela.lupo@gmail.com
Regional Editor for the Middle East:
- Professor Sina Dobaradaran. PhD, Systems Environmental Health and Energy Research Center, The Persian Gulf Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran; Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Faculty of Health and Nutrition, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran; Instrumental Analytical Chemistry and Centre for Water and Environmental Research (ZWU), Faculty of Chemistry, University of Duisburg-Essen, Universitätsstr. 5, Essen, Germany. E-mail: sinadobaradaran@gmail.com
Regional Editors for Pakistan and Afghanistan:
- Dr Muhammad Nauman Ahmad. Department of Agricultural Chemistry, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan. E-mail: drnumanahmad@aup.edu.pk
- Dr Syeda Nadia Ahmad. Department of Zoology, University of Chakwal, Chakwal, Pakistan. E-mail: nadia.ahmad@uoc.edu.pk and dr.nadiaahmad111@gmail.com
- Dr Aima Iram Batool. Department of Zoology, University of Sargoda, Pakistan. E-mail: aima.iram@uoc.edu.pk
- Dr Mehmood Asghar. Assistant Professor of Dental Biomaterials, Army Medical College, NUMS, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. E-mail: mehmudbhatti@yahoo.com
Regional Editors for People's Republic of China
- Prof. Yanhui Gao. Director of the Institute for Endemic Fluoride Control, Center for Endemic Disease Control, China CDC. E-mail: gaoyh411@163.com
- Professor Zhi-Zhong Guan. Department of Pathology and Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Guiyang Medical University, Guiyang, PR China. E-mail: 1457658298@qq.com
Regional Editor for Asia in developmental biology, reproduction, embryology, and endocrinology
Rotating Editor-in-Chief
The Editor-in-Chief role is rotated quarterly among the persons on a Rotating Editor-in-Chief roster: Professor Zhi-Zhong Guan, People's Republic of China; Dr Muhammad Nauman Ahmad, Pakistan; and Dr Bruce Spittle, New Zealand.
Rotating Editor-in-Chief, Fluoride, for the period 9 November 2024 to 31 March 2025:
Rotating Editor-in-Chief, Fluoride, for the period 1 April 2025 to 30 June 2025: Professor Zhi-Zhong Guan, Guiyang, People's Republic of China.
Rotating Editor-in-Chief, Fluoride, for the period 1 July 2025 to 30 September 2025: Dr Muhammad Nauman Ahmad.Pashawar, Pakistan.
General information on the ISFR, applying for membership of the ISFR, ISFR conferences, subscription to Fluoride in hard copy (online access if free) and manuscript submission
Citation of articles from Fluoride and membership of the ISFR Advisory and Editorial Boards
Pro Forma Invoice information
Some information on chronic fluoride toxicity including the books Fluoridation the great dilemma and Fluoride fatigue, the thesis Education and fluoridation in New Zealand: an historical study and some information on the history of the ISFR
Conferences. The 36th ISFR conference was held in New Delhi 12 to 14 November 2024.
Impact factor
Contact information for problems
- Please contact me if you have any problems using the site or if you wish to access an issue that is not opening. Bruce Spittle, Rotating Editor-in-Chief for the period 9 Nov 2024 to 31 Dec 2024, spittle727@gmail.com
Copyright statement
© Owned and published by the ISFR. Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Dec 20 2024 1220